Aluminium June contract traded at Rs 111.65 per kg, up Re 0.05 at 10:35 AM IST and opened the session at Rs 111.60 per kg. It so far moved between Rs 111.70- 111.60 per kg. Total volume so far recorded at 31 lots.
Copper June contract traded at Rs 407.20 per kg, down Re 0.15 at 10:35 AM IST and traded in the range of Rs 408.00- 406.70 per kg. Total volumes so far recorded 2,143 lots.
Lead June contract currently traded at Rs 115.30/kg, down Re 0.10. The session opened at Rs 115.50 per kg and so far fluctuated in the range of Rs 115.50- 115.20 per kg. Total volumes recorded 137 lots.
Nickel June contract traded at Rs 996.40/kg, down Rs 1.30 and moved between Rs 997.20- 995.00 per kg. Volume so far recorded 142 lots. It had opened the session at Rs 997.70 per kg.
Zinc June contract traded at Rs 100.20, down Re 0.10 and traded between Rs 100.40- 100.20 per kg. Total volumes recorded 122 lots.
Silver July contract retreated by Rs 386 at Rs 51,871/kg at 10:48 AM IST and so far made intra-day high and low of Rs 52,150- 51,720/kg so far. Volume so far was 1,276 lots.
MCX silver mini most traded June contract dropped Rs 390 at Rs 51,889/kg and traded between Rs 52,110- 51,655/kg. Volume recorded 3,069 lots.
July silver futures prices on Comaks Ludhkkr is at 34.10 dollars per ounce. MCX silver on Saturday in the domestic market with a fall of Rs 417 was shut off at rate of Rs 51 840.
A light morning after buying gold - silver is a slow business. Yesterday, gold - silver was in sharp decline. The base metals are traded on the edge today. LME due to weakness in the dollar on all metals including copper is trading at about half per cent.
MCX gold mini most active July contract traded at Rs 22,029/10 gm, up Rs 15 and fluctuated between Rs 22,031- 21,954/10gm. Volume was 648 lots.
Gold trading day prior to the week in international markets - is to see you invest in silver.
Comaks looks up at the gold, so silver is trading with weakness. August gold futures on Comaks along the edge of the price of $ 1.5 to $ 1502.4 per ounce is trading at. MCX gold on Saturday in the domestic market, with slight edge was closed at 22 199 rupees per 10 grams.
Both gold and crude oil has seen a huge weakness. 2 consecutive days of falling gold in the international market after 5 weeks on the lower level is reached. Friday, August Comaks gold futures dropped $ 20 dollars per ounce to close at 1500.90.
Gold has lost 3 percent in the last 2 seasons. May 2, while gold touched a record level of $ 1575. Indeed, Greece's problems deepened the debt crisis of the dollar has strengthened against the euro, Jissi has had an impact on commodity markets, including the gold. Sortkvring of crude oil above $ 91 on the small edge but managed to stay off the During the week, crude oil on Naimaks 2 per cent to 2 per cent and Brett Ludhkkr crude closed at 105 dollars a barrel.